CTI SC Posted 29 Dec 2021 16:15

[IAG] Non-M6000 model show bandwidth management license

Warning Name: Non-M6000 model show bandwidth management license
Product: IAG
Version: IAG 13.0.15
Warning Level: 1
Discover Date: 5/8/2021
Related Department: CTI, FAE
Warning Source: -
Bug Phenomena:
The non-M6000 model shows Bandwidth Management License and causes the bandwidth management's virtual line unable to configure a higher value due to being limited by the bandwidth management license.

1. IAG with 13.0.15
2. IAG is a non-M6000 model and shows the bandwidth management license on the licensing page.
3. Physical device

The model verification failed to verify some non-M6000 models and displays this bandwidth management license on the licensing page.

1. Check whether is using IAG 13.0.15 version.
2. Check whether is model M6000 is by using read_hwinfo at the backend or see the model labeled on surface of the device.
3. Physical IAM/IAG device

Upgrade the debive to the latest firmware version

Newbie308427 Posted 19 Oct 2022 23:56

nice sharing
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