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Sangfor IAM Disk Threshold

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Created: 2023-Feb-28 11:51


Hello, i have several Sangfor Devices that reach the yellow (warning) on disk utilization.I use the default settings 85%, but why the disk still reach over the 85%? and i saw on the docs that we ca ...


FoxR Posted 2023-Mar-06 17:08
Just configure the logs deletion on the specific date
KimD Posted 2023-Mar-06 17:05
It just a notification alarm that you exceed or meet the limit of it you can just add up a little and for the logs you can set it automatically delete
Farina Ahmed Posted 2023-Mar-06 16:28
Because you just set an alarm to them that if they exceed this limit then you as an administrator get an email notification or SMS etc it is called soft threshold whereas in hard method they not only notify you but will stop data from saving.
WestCon Posted 2023-Mar-06 16:15
You can manually set a higher threshold for the logs make sure that you have a backup logs in email when setting auto deletion on the appliance
HeavT Posted 2023-Mar-06 16:07
Just enable the automatic deletion and add a little of thread hold
AndrewForti Posted 2023-Mar-06 15:57
It is only notification on the threshold. You can set it higher and the days of deletion of the logs
Dohan4U Posted 2023-Mar-06 15:49
You can set manually the automatic deletion of the logs
April Men Posted 2023-Mar-06 14:14
Alarm threshold if the limit exceed and will automatically deleted on user preference
Imran Tahir Posted 2023-Mar-06 12:40
it can be deleted automatically after days setting
Jhazz Posted 2023-Mar-06 10:21
It is just only a alarm threshold
amcysoc786 Posted 2023-Mar-01 15:58
1. According to your first point, you are using the default setting where two options are selected only for Alarm not for auto deletion of logs, Disk Usage Alarm Options (i) 180 days and (ii) 85% Threshold it only gives you notification.  This is the reason your threshold is 87% which will not exceed to 90% because:
2.  According to your second point, you cannot set the threshold percentage because its automatically disable but you can set the days for auto deletion which will clear the disk after that days.