exposed to bot threats

Asad Rafique Lv1Posted 2024-Jun-14 13:40

I am using a Sangfor NGAF. I need some information because my dashboard shows that 192.168.X.X is exposed to bot threats, as shown in the attached picture. I want to know if I can see on the user's machine what the user has installed. I mean to say, what software the user last installed or what activity they did that caused their computer to become a bot. Is there any way to find out why the user's computer became a bot?

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Please download the Sangfor Anti-Bot Tool to scan the user's device.
Employing static analysis of programs and dynamic virtual execution of malicious files will effectively check & remove malware from your computer.

Please visit below path:
Self Services>Download>Tools\Sangfor Antibot
Is this answer helpful?
Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 2024-Jun-17 12:12

Please download the Sangfor Anti-Bot Tool to scan the user's device.
Employing static analysis of programs and dynamic virtual execution of malicious files will effectively check & remove malware from your computer.

Please visit below path:
Self Services>Download>Tools\Sangfor Antibot

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