Failed to import the VM .ova. file

gleon Lv1Posted 2024-Aug-16 03:02

Hellio I am trying to import an .ova file an I am gettint the following Issue
Failed to import the VM Kali.ova. Failed to obtain disk list, possibly because the disk is in use. Please select another disk

Aparently the .ova file has an error but I dont know wath type of
Could you help me ?


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Important Notices:

1. The import of OVA files exported from the VMware web console is not supported on the Hyper-Converged Infrastructure (HCI) platform.

2. All virtual machines exported from VMware must have VMware Tools uninstalled after being imported into the HCI platform.

3. The HCI platform exclusively supports the import of virtual machines in OVA, OVF, and VMA formats; other formats are not supported at this time.

4. Upon importing a Windows OVA into the HCI platform, the USB mouse driver will be updated, with an installation prompt appearing on the Windows interface.

5. After importing a Linux OVA into the HCI platform, manual configuration of the network card IP address is required.
Is this answer helpful?
sitobeli Lv2Posted 2024-Aug-19 17:12
Suspected your export file is corrupted.
fuadmahbubun Lv2Posted 2024-Aug-19 18:02
Hi, if possible, you may export again, and try re-import OVA file.
Enrico Vanzetto Lv4Posted 2024-Aug-19 19:48
Hi, where did you perform export of this virtual machine? As suggesded above, try to redo the export of this virtual machine and try firstly to reimport it on the source to verify that the ova file is ok.
Newbie650977 Lv1Posted 2024-Aug-19 20:30
Important Notices:

1. The import of OVA files exported from the VMware web console is not supported on the Hyper-Converged Infrastructure (HCI) platform.

2. All virtual machines exported from VMware must have VMware Tools uninstalled after being imported into the HCI platform.

3. The HCI platform exclusively supports the import of virtual machines in OVA, OVF, and VMA formats; other formats are not supported at this time.

4. Upon importing a Windows OVA into the HCI platform, the USB mouse driver will be updated, with an installation prompt appearing on the Windows interface.

5. After importing a Linux OVA into the HCI platform, manual configuration of the network card IP address is required.
Newbie650977 Lv1Posted 2024-Aug-20 09:27
Why convert vmdk files to ovf?

In a VM, you can directly export the virtual machine as an ovf format. You can give it a try; before exporting to ovf, you need to uninstall vmtools first.
Prosi Lv3Posted 2024-Aug-20 12:17

Try copying the OVA file to the local hard disk, not in a root folder.

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