WANO cannot optimize HCI connection

Kheffri Lv1Posted 2018-Jan-27 20:19

This is what i found out when im trying to do some migration from HCI to HCI. i've found out HCI's feature "Migrate Across Cluster" that migrate from DC to DRC detected by our WANO as SSL connection and bypass all the traffice. Maybe from WANO database can add some signature itself to optimize Sangfor's Product or maybe we can generate the certificate of HCI so we can inject to HCI and can optimize this connection.

QQ图片20180127191351.png (58.31 KB, Downloads: 1432)


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Vincent Lv2Posted 2018-Mar-05 09:12
WANO not test HCI to HCI bankup and recovery scenario yet,
SSL traffic need import certificate to WANO .
Faisal Posted 2021-Jul-28 06:56
Thank you very much for the information ...
Faisal Posted 2021-Jul-28 06:57
Nice article ...
Faisal Posted 2021-Jul-28 06:57
Great info …
Faisal Posted 2021-Jul-28 06:57
Very informative …
Faisal Posted 2021-Jul-28 06:58
Nice guidance ...