MS Teams video conference on Sangfor VDI

Newbie126713 Lv1Posted 2021-Mar-30 09:58

We are currently testing MS Teams video conferencing on our Sangfor VDI.

During the tests, we have noticed that there are performance issues regarding video and audio.  We do realize that there are performance differences when video conference is used on VDI compared to PC.

In this regards, we would like to inquire whether there are any optimization tips for using MS Teams video conferencing on Sangfor VDI.

Thank you.

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Good day! Temporary there is no optimization tools MS Teams video conference.
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Faisal Posted 2022-Apr-18 22:27
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Liew Lv2Posted 2022-Apr-25 14:20
Good day! Temporary there is no optimization tools MS Teams video conference.

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