IAM M5000

Tahir Lv1Posted 2022-Oct-07 19:57

What is Suggested Firmware for IAM M5000

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Last edited by Newbie517762 10 Oct 2022 11:21.


Please used the latest FW:
IAG 13.0.47 (Stable release)

Is this answer helpful?
Saimon Lv2Posted 2022-Oct-17 12:52
IAG 13.0.47 is the most recent stable firmware version of Sangfor IAG.
Jay Taruc Lv2Posted 2022-Oct-17 08:24
It's IAG 13.0.47
KarenD Lv2Posted 2022-Oct-16 13:55

IAG 13.0.47 is the latest stable release
SteveD Lv2Posted 2022-Oct-16 13:41
Yes, NFS can run VM for storage.
Randolfy Lv2Posted 2022-Oct-16 13:32
Please use the latest FW: IAG 13.0.47 (Stable release)
Jigen87 Lv3Posted 2022-Oct-13 22:03
IAM M5000 should be 13.0.47 stable version
Fuji12 Lv3Posted 2022-Oct-13 21:50
IAG 13.0.47 and the upcoming is .74
damulagski Lv3Posted 2022-Oct-13 21:49
Please used the latest FW:
IAG 13.0.47 (Stable release)

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