SSL VPN user is unable to connect with a bookmark in place?

Faixan Lv1Posted 2023-Aug-01 15:11

SSL VPN user is unable to connect with a bookmark in place?

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The issue might be due to incorrect bookmark configuration or network connectivity problems. Check the bookmark settings and ensure that the SSL VPN user has the necessary network access to reach the bookmarked resource. Additionally, verify firewall rules and routing to ensure proper connectivity.
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MangKanor2025 Lv1Posted 2023-Aug-09 08:15
Please screenshot your concern
Tayyab0101 Lv2Posted 2023-Aug-09 04:48
you need to install the certificate.
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 2023-Aug-08 14:13
If you are receiving a “Permission denied” error when trying to connect with an SSL VPN bookmark in place, you can solve this issue by allowing the user in the SSL VPN policy.
Faisal P Posted 2023-Aug-08 10:59

Admin tries brute-force login: If an administrator successively fails to log in to theSSL VPN administrator console too many times, the system will email an alarmevent tothe specified email address to notify the administrator of that.  User tries brute-force login: If a VPN user successively fails to log in to SSL VPNtoomany times, the system will email an alarm event to the specified email address tonotify the administrator of that.

noime Lv3Posted 2023-Aug-07 16:33
It looks like you don't have certificate installed that is why SSL is failing
NeTSec Lv3Posted 2023-Aug-07 15:59
Maybe you can contact support for further analysis of your issues
Noah19 Lv3Posted 2023-Aug-07 15:58
I also don't get what  you are asking? what is the main issues. Please give us more insights
VanFlyheights Lv3Posted 2023-Aug-07 15:57
What kind of solution is this? Is it NGAF or IAG?
Natsu Dragneel Lv3Posted 2023-Aug-07 15:54
Check the status of the VPN if there were establish connection

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