Sangfor NGAF SSLVPN Tunnel interface should be with a "Zone"

Ricky WONG Lv1Posted 2024-Jan-11 17:47

Hi all,

I am trying to deploy an SSLVPN for some side access and also need UTM scanning for the SSLVPN.

And I found that the SSLVPN on NGAF was not under any Zone.

In case configuring IPS, security features, NAT, Policy based route;
It seems "Zone" is needed for Sangfor NGAF to configure it.

I am disappointed that one formal TAC ticket even tells us:

"Network security protection function is currently not supported for SSLVPN traffic on Sangfor NGAF."

Please keep the Firewall system improved and secured.

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Newbie291794 Lv1Posted 2024-Mar-06 11:17
If the NGAF's SSLVPN functionality does not meet your requirements, you might explore other SSLVPN solutions or firewall platforms that offer the desired features and support the integration you need.