facebook_live high bandwidth usage problem

firdhyprayogo Lv1Posted 2023-Jan-12 12:49

hello guys, currently i found a high usage on facebook_live application, but when i going to the user side there is no facebook app installed, how i check what kind of app defined on facebook_live application list. and can i separate it from that category so i can make better composition for my bandwidth management rule.


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The Facebook_Live related to following information:
Application: Facebook_Live
App Category: Web Streaming Media
SSL Decryption: Required
Description: It supports Web, Facebook live enables live streaming.
It is necessary to enable SSL content recognition and add a domain name (fbcdn.net). Official Site

Pls create the policy to blocking the facebook live activities:
Is this answer helpful?
RegiBoy Lv5Posted 2023-Jan-12 14:25
Are you sure that is the correct end device? Recheck if it is. Also maybe if it is not an app, the user access FB on a browser.
Naomi Posted 2023-Jan-12 17:15
It could be the user is accessing facebook in the browser.
rivsy Lv5Posted 2023-Jan-13 05:00
Did you check the browser on the client side?
Jhazz Lv3Posted 2023-Jan-13 09:47
check the mobile and desktop/laptop user and the BYOD user
Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 2023-Jan-13 16:49
The Facebook_Live related to following information:
Application: Facebook_Live
App Category: Web Streaming Media
SSL Decryption: Required
Description: It supports Web, Facebook live enables live streaming.
It is necessary to enable SSL content recognition and add a domain name (fbcdn.net). Official Site

Pls create the policy to blocking the facebook live activities:
Imran Tahir Lv4Posted 2023-Jan-14 20:19
Check the browsers
Fuji12 Lv3Posted 2023-Jan-16 11:36
Check the  browsing activity.
nobitachou Lv2Posted 2023-Jan-16 11:40
Review the policy. It is under the layer 7 application firewall
soneosansan Lv3Posted 2023-Jan-16 11:43
Do you check if there were conflicting IP? maybe there were other using that IP that is why you can't see any.

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