elvano Lv3Posted 2023-Sep-10 20:01
must on linux
Budihan Lv2Posted 2023-Sep-10 20:02
not support active x
Bunda Lv3Posted 2023-Sep-10 20:03
Why cannot access WANO using Windows 10?

becasuse with broser not windows
Alvin Lv3Posted 2023-Sep-10 20:04
only from browser
Pandu Lv2Posted 2023-Sep-10 20:04
does not supported
Riki Satria Lv3Posted 2023-Sep-10 20:04
not support easy connect
Andini Lv3Posted 2023-Sep-10 20:05
because not support in windows
daniar Posted 2023-Sep-10 20:06
because using IE on that
AlexanderSeba Lv3Posted 2023-Sep-10 20:07
browser internet explorer does not support longer