Cesar Lv2Posted 2023-Jan-06 10:58
Check the NAT Translation and block the IP
Lilia Lv2Posted 2023-Jan-06 11:05
You must first see all the clients then manually check.
Osama Muhammad Lv3Posted 2023-Jan-06 18:26
It is simple as, create 2 OU of MAC Addresses.
Do assign blocked internet of Default Group and rest of the mac addresses move to another OU which is allow from policy.
Imran Tahir Lv4Posted 2023-Jan-09 12:10
maybe you can do it through group policy
Luih Miranda Lv3Posted 2023-Jan-09 14:41
Tap BLOCK next to the user's device MAC address.
jetjetd Lv5Posted 2023-Jan-09 15:46
You can block it by blocking the mac address of the device.
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 2023-Jan-09 16:43
You can't since you are not managing the Device of the user. Even with MAC Authentication its not possible, since the "Phone" is sort of a Router at that point so your network is only seeing one device witch is the "Phone" in this case. You will not see the devices behind that.
kmrnliaqat Lv3Posted 2023-Jan-09 19:26
please do it throug group policy
Zonger Lv5Posted 2023-Jan-09 20:04
mac address to be checked for that device
Newbie308427 Posted 2023-Jan-10 10:02
Yes we can block any device if it is identified. Most prefered device identifier is its MAC address

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