Newbie718642 Lv1Posted 2022-Jan-28 18:51
I want to be a contractual translator, language: Italiano.
EsseBi Lv1Posted 2022-Jan-31 06:29

I want to be a contractual translator, language: Italiano
Noviyanto Lv3Posted 2022-Feb-03 08:57
Hello Jojo,
How do I get the documents that I want to translate from the contractual translator program? I have filled in the document that I want to translate which was sent via email
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 2022-Mar-04 13:38
Amazing activity. Nice sharing.
Muhammad Furqan Lv2Posted 2022-Mar-22 11:42
Please start it in many other language
Daphne Lv1Posted 2022-Mar-25 08:40
I want to be a contractual translator, language: Bahasa
Raza Islam Lv3Posted 2022-Apr-25 16:18
Video of the week
Sangfor HCI provide them provide them pace of mind with cost effective platform and it optimize to run the latest critical applications that provide high availability and ease of operation and management it has enabled SLU to run all of its critical business applications more efficiently.
Raja Azkar Lv2Posted 2022-Jun-15 20:47
Thanks for sharing
Raja Azkar Lv2Posted 2022-Jun-15 20:48
Thanks for sharing
Raja Azkar Lv2Posted 2022-Jun-17 21:20

I want to be a contractual translator, language: Bahasa