Darwin Ian Lv2Posted 2022-Oct-12 15:41
Check the routing configurations
jetjetd Lv5Posted 2022-Oct-12 17:22
Kindly check if you can ping the devices from the IAG. If able to ping, try to update it in the latest firmware then try to check again if the IAG can already verify the endpoint devices.
Racoon Lv2Posted 2022-Oct-12 19:56
You can try a computer with a hostname and check again on sangfor IAG
Robin Lv3Posted 2022-Oct-12 20:05
Route is the first to check
sanjigerma Lv3Posted 2022-Oct-12 21:06
integrate IAM to the AD
Snipe Lv2Posted 2022-Oct-12 21:17
Switching issue
ZoroZoro Lv3Posted 2022-Oct-12 21:22
Kindly check if you can ping the devices from the IAG. If able to ping
Luih Miranda Lv3Posted 2022-Oct-13 16:06

Please check the configuration if properly config, IP address, if you are in the same network, firewall settings. You can check by ping test the endpoints.
Happpy Lv3Posted 2022-Oct-13 16:38
For details, see Troubleshoot endpoint verification for users
grayice499 Lv2Posted 2022-Oct-13 16:43
if you are in the same network, firewall settings. You can check by ping test the endpoints

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