Hello to all ,

I would like to know if it is possible to automatically install the Virtual Desktop Client on 50 PC at the same time.

For example with a script

Thanks a lot

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If it's for new deployment you can do cloning, else you can use Group Policy to deploy the program remotely to the computers.(Assuming the 50PC has joined Domain)
Is this answer helpful?
Siva Posted 2019-Oct-17 09:28
If it's for new deployment you can do cloning, else you can use Group Policy to deploy the program remotely to the computers.(Assuming the 50PC has joined Domain)
Newbie308427 Posted 2022-Sep-04 13:12
I think, any deployment automatization, from onliner script till sccm\ansible\dsc can do it)
Imran Tahir Lv4Posted 2022-Dec-04 12:58
Nice thanks for sharing

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