Radius Auth Server

mpolzonetti Lv1Posted 2019-Nov-09 00:03

Hi everyone,
I wanted to know if anyone had a document to perform a configuration to Radius Auth Server.
Our goal is to run a WAN connection with a Secondary Authentication

Thanks a lot

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maybe this is documentation do you need

http://community.sangfor.com/plu ... atabase&tid=782
Is this answer helpful?
Apriyanto Lv5Posted 2019-Nov-10 14:00
maybe this is documentation do you need

http://community.sangfor.com/plu ... atabase&tid=782
mpolzonetti Lv1Posted 2019-Nov-11 19:03
Thanks a lot
hendra Lv3Posted 2020-Jan-18 16:51
gread sharing
hendra Lv3Posted 2020-Jan-18 16:52

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