Reduce VM Disk size on aCloud (HCI) 100

tfathurrahmanda Lv1Posted 16 Aug 2023 18:21

Halo Everyone,
How to reduce VM Disk size on aCloud (HCI)?

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Jami Ullah Lv2Posted 16 Aug 2023 21:31
which version of aCloud you are using?
Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 17 Aug 2023 09:26

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rivsy Lv5Posted 17 Aug 2023 13:56
try to redo or remigrate it from the start
jerome_itable Lv3Posted 18 Aug 2023 08:24
You can try these:

    Backup Your Data: Before making any changes to your VM, create a backup or snapshot of the VM's current state. This ensures that you can restore the VM if anything goes wrong during the disk size reduction process.

    Identify Unused Data: Within the VM's operating system, identify and remove any unnecessary files, logs, temporary data, or applications that you no longer need. This step can help free up space before resizing the disk.

    Shut Down the VM: Before resizing the VM's disk, it's recommended to shut down the VM. This ensures data integrity during the resizing process.

    Access Sangfor Cloud HCI Interface: Log in to the Sangfor Cloud HCI management interface or dashboard. Look for the specific VM you want to resize and find the options related to disk management or VM settings.

    Resize Virtual Disk: Locate the option to resize the virtual disk of the VM. This might involve specifying a new disk size or using sliders to adjust the size. Follow the prompts and confirm the action.

    Apply Changes: Once you've resized the virtual disk, apply the changes. This action might require confirming the changes or initiating a resizing process.

    Start the VM: After resizing the disk, start the VM. It might take a little longer for the VM to boot up as the filesystem adjusts to the new disk size.

    Resize Filesystem: Log in to the VM and resize the filesystem to utilize the newly allocated space. This involves using appropriate commands based on the filesystem type, such as resize2fs for ext-based filesystems or xfs_growfs for XFS filesystems.

    Verify and Test: Test the VM thoroughly to ensure that it's functioning correctly after the disk size reduction. Check your applications, services, and data to make sure everything is intact.

    Clean Up Snapshots/Backups: If you're satisfied with the changes and the VM is working as expected, you can consider deleting any snapshots or backups you took before the resizing process.
Adam Suhail Lv1Posted 18 Aug 2023 15:29
Backup data,
Delete VM,
Create New VM with new VM Disk size,
Restore data.
Imran Tahir Lv4Posted 21 Aug 2023 13:58
take backup , Delete the VM, Create a new VM as on requirment
CLELUQMAN Lv3Posted 21 Aug 2023 16:29
Once the VM virtual disk is initialized in HCI, it cannot be resized.
RegiBoy Lv5Posted 21 Aug 2023 17:00
Log in to the dashboard or management portal for Sangfor Cloud HCI. Look for the choices relating to disk management or VM settings for the individual VM you wish to resize.
Naomi Lv3Posted 21 Aug 2023 17:01
Many modern guest operating systems include tools to shrink their file systems. For example, on Windows, you can use the "Disk Cleanup" utility and select the option to clean up system files. On Linux, you can use commands like zerofree to zero out unused space.

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